ADLINK Technology, a global provider of leading edge computing solutions, has already developed many edge AI platforms based on the full spectrum of NVIDIA® Jetson modules including NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™, NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 and NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™. With the high-mix low-volume demands of edge AI applications, ADLINK leverages its deep industry experience in embedded systems and edge applications. With our long-term success in designing embedded modules, carrier boards, and systems, ADLINK can quickly develop edge AI platforms based on NVIDIA Jetson modules catered to individual project needs, enabling customers to rapidly harness the power of AI at the edge.

Why ADLINK’s ROS 2 Robotics Solutions

ADLINK robotics solutions allow users to develop complex robotic applications with minimal investment outlay, whereby they enjoy the benefits of various AI engines, development environments, flexible hardware systems, and evolving Data Distribution Service

Simplified System Integration

Rich tool/module portfolios and ROS / ROS 2 compatible environment make it easy to integrate application requirements across multiple hardware, software package, and service types.

Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

End-to-end expenditure, from purchase to disposal, including expected costs of service, repair, and warranty can be decreased significantly.

Enhanced Communications

System-wide communications connect multiple devices via DDS

Neuron SDK: ADLINK’s Powerful ROS 2 Development Kit

The ADLINK Neuron SDK, delivering powerful development capabilities, is fully compatible with both ROS and ROS 2, featuring an optimized environment providing full access to hundreds of open source robotic algorithms, achieving rapid development for faster time-to-market.